*Research Assistantship for Course Credit*
The Maryland Vision Science Lab is looking for research assistants for
research credit. We are currently doing a number of projects studying human
vision. More information regarding some of our previous experiments and
work can be found at http://www.bsos.umd.edu/psyc/mvsl/. We are looking for
a motivated, responsible students who are able to commit to working with us
for at least one semester. ****
Primary Responsibilities: Neuroscience literature reviews, perform scans at
the magnetoencephalography scanner (MEG), analyze and process data, program
experiments, and other assigned tasks. Experience with MatLab and a strong
background in Biology and Neuroscience is strongly preferred.****
How to Apply: Submit your resume and a brief letter of interest by Friday,
August 20th to David Tovar, recruitment coordinator, at
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