Subject: Make 20$/Hour as an Online Tutor!
As you may have heard, InstaEDU is an online tutoring platform that allows
students across the nation to meet up online with undergraduate and graduate
students everywhere for help. Tutors make 20$ an hour (prorated by the
minute!) and you can work from your dorm room when you want, with who you
want. In any subject! Also, being a paid tutor is a fantastic addition to
resume - all you have to do is sign up!
InstaEDU is not limited to Comp Sci or even technical students, but is
looking to expand its base of Computer Science tutors.
InstaEDU recently created a special landing page just for Maryland Students
and Tutors, and tutor sign-ups are opening again now!
Contact Person: Kevin Bock
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]
Website URL: