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Gillian Anku <[log in to unmask]>
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Gillian Anku <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 9 Nov 2012 10:15:26 -0800
text/plain (22 lines)
Each November, the University of Maryland takes part in a nationwide effort to bring greater awareness to the problems of hunger and homelessness by hosting a number of activities and service projects. This year, join TerpCorps and other students and student groups as we raise critical donations for a local nonprofit organization, A Wider Circle (AWC)!
 AWC strives to help homeless and low-income families transition into new homes. We are hosting a donation drive to benefit the organization during the week of November 12, leading up to a culminating event on November 16th, 2012 from 1pm to 3pm in the Jimenez Room, STAMP Student Union.
 Small donations may be dropped off at the Leadership & Community Service-Learning Office in the STAMP in the TerpCorps cubicle or at the Nyumburu Cultural Center. However, we ask that groups raise as many donations as possible and deliver them on the 16th. At that time groups can meet the Executive Director of AWC to learn about the mission of AWC, how their donations will benefit area families, and even more opportunities to help with the organization!
Items that can be donated include:
·         Healthy non-perishable food
·         Blankets, sheets, towels, linens
·         Feminine care products
·         School Supplies
·         Cleaning Supplies.
Don’t miss out on this simple and easy way to do something that truly helps the local community. It only takes a moment to change someone’s life!
For more information on A Wider Circle, please visit their website.
If you have any questions please email
Janet Mwebi: [log in to unmask]