Daily eNews for CMNS Students


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"Katerina V. Thompson" <[log in to unmask]>
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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 20 Nov 2012 21:24:30 +0000
text/plain (13 lines)
The Department of Energy; office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Education and Workforce Development, and the office of Economic Impact and Diversity are hosting a student outreach event on November 30th from 2-5pm at the DOE Headquarters. This outreach event will act to engage students from under-served student populations in STEM and energy education from community colleges and universities. Space is limited for this event, so please confirm your participation by email with the required information found at the end of this announcement as soon as possible.  Participation is contingent on confirming by email with the required information found in this announcement.  At this time, due to the short time left before the event, only US citizens will beallowed to participate.

Event Abstract
The event will be an opportunity for students to learn about DOE and EERE missions and programs, and engagement opportunities available to them at EERE and DOE and through the Office of Economic Impact and Diversity (EID). Thiswill include overviews from program staff of select DOE and EERE programs as well as from programs that seek to increase opportunities in STEM and energy degrees and careers for underserved/underrepresented student populations. Each topic session will also be followed with a free flowing Q&A session. Wehope that students will have a valuable opportunity to connect with programstaff, and also learn about the multitude of different opportunities the Department of Energy has for engagement and participation from students in higher education.
If you’d like to participate, please send a confirmation email to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>  and reply with the following information when doing so.
1. Confirmation of Participation
2. Affiliated University, College, or Organization Name
3. Status of Citizenship (if not a US citizen, please reply as soon as possible as additional information will be necessary for building access)
4. State of residence found on State or Government Issued ID
5. Full Name as found on State or Government Issued ID

For questions or for more information please email [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>