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Kaci Thompson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 2 Dec 2020 12:30:00 -0500
text/plain (39 lines)
Subject: Are you a first- or second-year BSCI, NEUR, CHEM, or BCHM student
interested in research?

The Catalyst Seminar is designed to enhance your professional development by
introducing you to opportunities in undergraduate research. Part of the
semester consists of online activities to introduce you to the culture of
chemical and life sciences research.  Another part of the semester consists
of faculty presenting overviews of the research they are conducting in their
labs.  To participate, you must enroll in a 1-credit course, which is
cross-listed as BSCI 279C / BSCI
279H, during pre-registration for the Spring 2021 semester.   You can find
the latest draft of the  syllabus here (please note that it currently
reflects the spring 2020 schedule and is in the process of being updated for
fully online instruction in spring 2021):

To be eligible to enroll in the Catalyst Seminar you should

*be majoring in chemistry, biochemistry, neuroscience, general biology or one
of the
biological sciences specialization areas or have an interest in conducting
life sciences research

*have completed one semester of General Chemistry or Introductory Biology
(CHEM 131, BSCI 160, BSCI 170 or their equivalents)

*maintain a 3.0 overall grade point average

The Catalyst Seminar is by permission only. If you are interested in
enrolling, contact Kaci Thompson ([log in to unmask]) to request an electronic
stamp to allow you to register.

Contact Person: Kaci Thompson
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]

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