Subject: Apply to be an Innoworks Mentor or Staff Member
Are you interested in science? Do you like teaching or working with kids?
Then, come apply to be a mentor or staff member for the UMCP Innoworks camp!
Innoworks is an organization that provides a free week-long camp for
underrepresented middle school students in Prince George's County.
Mentor Responsibilities: present for week of August 15-19 for camp, in charge
of a group of middle school students along with a co-mentor, facilitate
lessons within the group
Staff Member Responsibilities: present for week of August 15-19 for camp,
supports mentors and students
Application link:
Applications due by Wednesday, May 4th!!
If you have any more questions, feel free to email [log in to unmask]
Contact Person: Kiet Zhou
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]