Innovation Office Hours
for University of Maryland Students With
Technology-Based Research or Business Ideas
Tomorrow, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Engineering and Physical Science Library Conference Room A, Room 1403
Take the first step toward bringing your research into the commercial sphere or even starting your own company.
All University of Maryland students
Experienced entrepreneurs giving free and impartial advice on how to: refine your business idea, test market demand and tap into funding resources
Every Friday, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. (note: IOH will not be held on March 22, April 5, or April 26)
The Engineering and Physical Science Library Conference Room A, Room 1403
Because every business starts as a single idea about how to make the world better. Your idea could turn into the next great company.
For more information, visit http://www.ioh.umd.edu or contact: [log in to unmask]
Eric Schurr
Director of Communications
Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute (Mtech)
University of Maryland
(301) 405-3889 work
(301) 867-3110 cell
[log in to unmask]http://www.mtech.umd.eduhttp://twitter.com/#!/mtechumd