Apply to be a TerpService Coordinator by April 7th! Info session on April 2nd.
Applications to become a TerpService Coordinator is still open. It is a great opportunity to increase your leadership, teamwork, and facilitation skills while learning more about social issues and identities. As part of the Leadership Community Service Learning, we organize various programs (i.e. TerpService Days and Terps for Change) that not only make volunteering accessible but also foster service learning on campus. Interested candidates are highly encouraged to attend the info session on April 2nd (6:30 - 7:30 PM) in the Grand Ballroom Lounge to learn more about the various leadership roles available. You may access the applications on our website ( Applications are due on April 7th. If you cannot attend the info session and/or have further questions, email your questions to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> or visit our office in 1110 Stamp Student Union (above Capital One Bank).
Best regards,
Yoon Shin