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Gene Ferrick <[log in to unmask]>
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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 2 Mar 2011 11:26:11 -0500
text/plain (37 lines)
Committee Letter Priority Deadline – April 1

All students planning to apply to medical, dental, optometry or podiatry school for Fall of 2012 matriculation should plan to 
request a committee letter through HPAO.  The PRIORITY deadline to request a committee letter is 
April 1, 2011.  Priority deadlines apply to those students who wish for their committee letter to be 
complete by August 1.  Re-applicants may submit a complete Prehealth Packet by May 6 to gain 
priority status and guarantee a complete committee letter by August 1. The final deadline, July 1, is 
the absolute latest date that the HPAO will accept a new prehealth packet.

If a priority candidate does not meet the criteria listed below by the stated deadlines, their letter 
will still be processed, provided they meet all the final deadlines. However, they will no longer be 
considered priority, and thus are not guaranteed a committee letter by August 1.

A complete priority application includes:
-Student Information Inventory
-Appropriate fee
-Official transcripts
-Activated veCollect account
-MCAT taken by the June test date; DAT or OAT taken by July 15
-Letters of recommendation - due by June 1. Additional letters - from summer experiences, etc. - 
may continue to be submitted until July 24. ALL letters of recommendation must be received by 
July 24 in order to allow turn around time for all priority letters to be completed by August 1.  No 
Committee Letters will be sent out until all expected letters are received, the Credentials Initiation 
Process Form is received and the veCollect Quiver is locked.
-AMCAS, AACOMAS, OPTOMCAS or AADSAS application submitted and fully processed by July 24

Please attend a HPAO workshop and visit our website for more information about the committee 
Wendy R. Loughlin, M.A.
Director of Pre-Professional Health Programs
Pre-Medical Advisor
1210 HJ Patterson Hall
College Park, MD 20742