Subject: APPLY to the National Residence Hall Honorary
The National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) serves to recognize the
contributions that students make to their college or university residence
hall program and campus life. Any persons of the residential community
of a campus can be a member of NRHH. NRHH members are inducted for life and
serve as role models for emerging leaders looking to have a positive impact
on their residence hall environments.
Minimum Requirements:
Must have resided in the residence halls at UMD for one complete semester
before applying (includes Commons and Courtyards)
Must currently be residing in a residence hall at UMD (includes Commons and
Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
Must be in good academic and judicial standing with UMD
Apply at by Nov 1st or nominate someone for membership
at by Oct 25th Visit our website for more information.
Event Date: November 1, 2020
Contact Person: Megan Berry
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]
Website URL:
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