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"Vincent T.Lee" <[log in to unmask]>
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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 17 Apr 2012 09:16:32 -0400
text/plain (34 lines)
SAO recognizes students with outstanding performance in the field of Microbiology 
(you do not need to be in the MICB specialization).

 SAO (Sigma Alpha Omicron) is a local honor society sponsored by the UM student chapter of the American Society for Microbiology.
 Students will be recognized at the Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics
 Departmental Awards Ceremony to be held May 11, and at the College of
 Computer, Mathematical, Natural Sciences Commencement.

Eligibility: Overall grade point average of 3.0
. Completion of at least 11 credits of the following courses with a grade
point average of 3.5.

BSCI223, BSCI283, BSCI348A, BSCI 412, BSCI 414, BSCI 380, BSCI 417, BSCI443, BSCI 464, BSCI
422, BSCI 423, BSCI 424, BSCI 425,  BSCI 437, BSCI 379

Interested students must send names to Maggie Jenkins of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics for review by email no later than May 4.

In your email, please send using SAO as the subject line and include the following information:
Subject: SAO

Email to: [log in to unmask]
Your name:
Your UID:
List which of the courses from the list
that you have completed
Your overall GPA:

Vincent T. Lee
Assistant Professor
3114 Bioscience Research Building
Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
[log in to unmask]
Office (301)405-9397
FAX (301)314-1248