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Aviva Symes <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 2 Jan 2020 14:08:54 -0500
text/plain (33 lines)
Subject: Laboratory Technician Position Available - Bethesda, MD

We are seeking to recruit a full-time laboratory technician in the Department
of Pharmacology at Uniformed Services University (USU). USU is the military
medical school located on the grounds of the Walter Reed National Military
Medical Centre in Bethesda, MD, within walking distance of the Medical Center
metro stop.

The successful candidate will assist with research on several projects within
the laboratory. These include 3D culture models to evaluate effects of blast
injury to brain tissue, developing novel therapeutics for traumatic brain
injury, and understanding the effects of high dose radiation on the brain,
immune system and vasculature. We are seeking a recent graduate in the
biological sciences with a strong interest in conducting medical research in
a collaborative academic environment. Research experience is desirable
although not required. Interest or training in neuroscience is also an
advantage. This is a great job for a recent graduate who is interested in
graduate or medical school, but wishes to postpone pursuing further education
for a couple of years.

To apply please send your resume and a cover letter to Dr. Aviva Symes.
Please detail your relevant course work, any research experience, your GPA
and any other information you think will help your application. Please also
list contact details for at least 2 people who are able to act as references
to your scientific ability.

Contact Person: Aviva Symes
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]

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