DC Teaching Fellows is a highly selective alternative certification program that trains accomplished professionals and recent college graduates to become effective teachers in schools serving high-need students throughout the D.C. area. One of our highest-need subject areas is secondary special education, and all science and math majors are eligible to teach secondary special education through our program. (Extensive information about special education can be found on our website <http://dcteachingfellows.ttrack.org/> , and at the D.C. Public Schools website <http://dcps.dc.gov/DCPS/In+the+Classroom/Special+Education> .)
Please forward this email to students and/or refer students and colleagues to www.dcteachingfellows.org <http://www.dcteachingfellows.org> in order to learn more and apply. We encourage candidates to apply early, as we invite outstanding candidates to interview – and to join the program – on a rolling basis.
Our next application deadline is February 21st, 2012.