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Gene Ferrick <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 22 Aug 2019 12:13:10 -0400
text/plain (33 lines)
Subject: SPAN359L - Spanish in the Life Sciences

This is an excellent opportunity for students majoring or studying the life
sciences who also have an interest in Spanish.

As the Head of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese I am reaching out to
you to let you know of an exciting opportunity for students studying in the
Life Sciences program who would like to advance their knowledge of Spanish
with a class tailored to their professionally specific needs. In this class,
which requires a high intermediate level of Spanish, students will be exposed
to science-related materials and will write a research proposal. This will be
ideal for all pursuing research in the Spanish-speaking world, those applying
for Fulbright, or any students in search for proficiency. If you would like
to see the syllabus, please contact the instructor, Daniela Bulansky .

SPAN359L is designed to strengthen students oral and written communication
and critical thinking skills in Spanish through the study of science-related
materials. The course engages students in class discussions about a variety
of topics in different formats. The course is divided in five units that will
allow the study of specific geographies, topics and cases in the
Spanish-speaking world. Assignments include writing a research proposal and
visiting the National Zoo and the National Museum of Natural History. No
specific technical knowledge is necessary but we cover a variety of topics
that are for science-oriented or science-interested students. Taught in

Contact Person: Daniela Bulansky
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]

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