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Scientific Terrapin <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 21 Feb 2013 20:51:28 -0500
text/plain (17 lines)
 *Today, February 22nd, *is the last day to submit your research to be
considered for publication in the Spring 2013 edition of Scientific
Terrapin. If you did work with a mentor on campus, had a research
internship off-campus, wrote a literature review paper for a course, or
have an abridged departmental honors, University Honors, or Gemstone
thesis, we encourage you to submit your research manuscript for review. You
can read our past journals, learn more about our review process, and submit
your manuscript online at You can still submit
your research after today; however, we cannot guarantee that your article
will be ready to be published in the Spring edition if it is accepted.

UMD Scientific Terrapin
Undergraduate Research Journal
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