Daily eNews for CMNS Students


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Tue, 4 Sep 2012 17:03:25 -0400
Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Gene Ferrick <[log in to unmask]>
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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
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Are you planning to pursue a Ph.D. degree in one of the computer, mathematical or natural sciences?
Are you:
 -- a senior planning to apply to Ph.D. programs during Fall 2012, or
 -- a junior considering whether to apply to Ph.D. programs during Fall 2013, or
 -- a current doctoral student who has not completed a third semester of graduate study (who does not hold a prior Master's or other graduate degree)?"
Please come to one of two information sessions to learn more about the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowships, the nation’s largest fellowship program for graduate studies in science, math and engineering.  In the last 3 years 60  Maryland seniors, recent grads, and grad students have won NSF Graduate Research Fellowships worth $120,000+ each!!!
Deadlines to apply for NSF Graduate Fellowships will be in November, 2012 and it is extremely valuable to begin your application effort early. The National Scholarships Office is holding info sessions next week with advice on how to plan for a strong application.
Information Sessions:
Monday, September 10, 4:00 – 5:00  PM, Plant Science Building Room 1140
Thursday, September 14, 4:00 – 5:00  PM, Plant Science Building Room 1140
Please RSVP to the session you wish to attend using the following website:
If you are interested but cannot attend,  please reply to [log in to unmask] to indicate this.

The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship provides over 2000 awards annually – each includes:
-          Three years of full support usable at any university in the US
-          $32,000 annual stipend
-          Tuition payment
-          $1,000 one-time international travel allowance
-          TeraGrid Supercomputer access
You are eligible to apply for an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship in fall 2012 if you meet these requirements:
1.       You will be a US citizen, US national or permanent resident in fall 2012; and,
2.       You will be a graduating senior this academic year (2012-13) or will have already completed a bachelor’s degree by Fall 2012; and,
3.       In Fall 2012 you will be applying for admission to research-based Ph.D. degree programs in science, math, or engineering to begin no later than Fall 2013.
You can learn more about the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship now by visiting this website:
The information sessions can also be helpful to orient current juniors who plan to pursue Ph.D. studies to the fellowship program even if you will not apply until Fall 2013.