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Aarti Vadalia <[log in to unmask]>
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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 15 Apr 2012 22:55:41 -0400
text/plain (22 lines)
Voices of Social Change is proud to present “Bilingual Education in a
Multicultural America"  this* THURSDAY, April 19th from 5:00-6:30pm *in the
Benjamin Banneker Room of STAMP.The event will feature *Beatriz Otero,
founder and former President and CEO of CentroNía, an award-winning
educational organization that has been serving children and families in the
District of Columbia since its founding in 1986. Under her leadership the
organization developed a nationally recognized bilingual early childhood
program serving over 500 children; established DC Bilingual Public Charter
School, an elementary school for 400 children; and launched a
state-of-the-art bilingual child and family center in Montgomery County,
Maryland.  Today, the organization serves over 3,300 children each year.  *

As of February 2011, Beatriz Otero was appointed Deputy Mayor for Health
and Human Services by District of Columbia Mayor Vincent Gray. She oversees
ten health and human services city agencies responsible for the delivery of
services to the district’s residents. Her office supports the Mayor in
coordinating a comprehensive system of benefits, goods and services across
multiple agencies to ensure that children, youth, and adults, with and
without disabilities, can lead healthy, meaningful and productive lives.
Beatriz will share her experiences and lead an interactive discussion about
social change.