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Gene Ferrick <[log in to unmask]>
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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 26 Apr 2011 16:43:24 -0400
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The National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) is looking for extraordinary undergraduate and graduate students for a Special Research Projects Internship for the Summer and/or Fall semesters. Special project topics include apocalyptic terrorism, mass casualty terrorism, and CBRN terrorism. Information is below. Interested applicants should send a cover letter, resume, 2 page writing sample, and unofficial transcripts to [log in to unmask] with Special Projects Intern Application in the subject line. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Lauren Pinson
National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START)

Special Research Projects Internship
START Special Project Interns will work on a variety of projects, addressed below. Interns will be supervised by Gary Ackerman, John Sawyer, and Lauren Pinson. This unpaid internship requires 10 hours minimum per week and may be taken for course credit. Summer internship dates are flexible, but will generally run from May 31, 2011 to August 15, 2011. The fall internship runs from August 31, 2011 to December 18, 2011. 

Red Team Terrorism Project
The Red Team Project will support an ongoing research project on the pursuit of radiological and nuclear (RN) weapons by non-state adversaries and the potential ways in which they would use such weapons. Interns will create a detailed hypothetical attack plan for the use of radiological and/or nuclear weapons against the United States. 
Mass Casualty Terrorism Project
The Mass Casualty Terrorism Project provides research for comparative case studies of groups that have engaged in MCT. Research focuses on the decision processes involved in the selection of a mass casualty attack from the wide range of attack options open to terrorists. Interns will also assist in the systematic collection of country-level, organizational-level and individual-level data on MCT events.
Nuclear Terrorism Project
The Nuclear Terrorism Research Project supports an ongoing research project employing both qualitative and quantitative research methods to understand the pursuit of radiological and nuclear (RN) weapons by non-state adversaries and the potential ways in which they would use such weapons.
Right-Wing Terrorism Project
The Right-Wing Terrorism Project will analyze selected groups’ likely systems of command and control for RN weapons and the policy implications of these structures. Interns will create a profile to help identify right-wing extremist groups that could possibly decide to use RN weapons and formulate detailed attack scenarios for how these groups might employ such weapons. Interns will also code historical data on RN events and RN perpetrators into a comprehensive quantitative database.
CBRN Terrorism Project
The CBRN Terrorism Project is creating a database of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) terrorist events including plots, acquisitions, and attacks. Interns will help with the research and quantitative coding of events. Additionally, interns will be involved in the research and writing of CBRN event case studies.
Desired intern characteristics for the various special projects include:

	• Attention to detail and editing skills
	• A vivid imagination and creative mind
	• Background or interest in nuclear security and/or proliferation
	• Background or interest in the study of terrorism and/or political violence
	• Experience in or desire to learn social science research methods and/or coding techniques
Note: All of the characteristics are not required for each project. Please address your relevant characteristics, background, and interests in your cover letter along with the project(s) you prefer.

Please send a cover letter, resume, 2 page writing sample, and unofficial transcripts to Lauren Pinson [log in to unmask] with Special Projects Internship in the subject line. For priority consideration, please reply byThursday, April 28 for the summer internship and Monday, May 9 for the fall internship.