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Fri, 8 Apr 2011 16:42:24 -0400
Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Gene Ferrick <[log in to unmask]>
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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
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Are you a junior or senior science, math or engineering major planning apply to Ph.D. programs this fall, 2011?
Learn about the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowships, the nation’s largest fellowship program for graduate studies in science, math and engineering!!!
In the last 2 years 35  Maryland seniors and recent grads have won $150,000+ NSF Graduate Research Fellowships!!!
The National Scholarships Office is holding three early info sessions on the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship - Deadlines will be in November, 2011 and it is extremely valuable to plan ahead:
Monday, April 18 – 4 pm – Kay Board Rooms (1111) - Kim Engineering Building – RSVP to [log in to unmask]
Tuesday, April 19 – 4 pm – Kay Board Rooms (1111) - Kim Engineering Building – RSVP to [log in to unmask]
Wednesday, April 20 – 4 pm – Plant Sciences 1130 – RSVP to [log in to unmask]
Please indicate which session you will attend; If you are interested but cannot attend please reply to the same address indicating this.
The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship provides over 2000 awards annually – each includes:
- Three years of full support usable at any university in the US and recognized universities abroad
- $30,000 annual stipend
- Tuition payment
- $1,000 one-time international travel allowance
- TeraGrid Supercomputer access
You are eligible to apply for an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship in fall 2011 if you meet these requirements:
1. You will be a US citizen, US national or permanent resident alien in fall 2011, and;
2. You will be a graduating senior in fall 2011; or will have already completed a bachelor’s degree in in fall 2011; or will have completed fewer than 3 semesters of graduate study in fall 2011, and;
3. In fall 2011 you will be applying to or be enrolled in a research-based doctoral degree program in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields supported by NSF – see for a complete list of eligible fields of study.
The National Scholarships Office provides support to NSF Graduate Fellowship applicants at Maryland. To get on our mailing list about NSF GRFP presentations and workshops this fall 2011, please respond to this message with your name and UID – we look forward to working with you! Deadlines will be in early November, 2011 and it pays to plan ahead.
You can learn more about the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship now by visiting this website: