*Apply to be a MATH COACH with the Math Success Program starting Spring
Math Coaches assist undergraduate students with math coursework, study
skills, and building math confidence. Math Coaches are given the
opportunity to work in a diverse environment, consulting with students with
various backgrounds, majors, and levels of ability. Math Coaches work a
minimum of two shifts a week, from 5:50pm - 9:00pm on Sunday - Thursday
nights. Initial compensation begins at $10/hour. Gain significant peer
coaching, problem-solving, and leadership experience in a diverse and
exciting environment!
Please click here
<https://mydrl.umd.edu/MyDRL/Student/EmpApp/1_Profile.aspx?PostingID=9> to
apply now! The application closes at 11:59pm on Thursday, December 1st.
For more information about the Math Success Program in the Department of
Resident Life, please visit our website at: http://reslife.umd.edu/pro
Please direct any questions to [log in to unmask]
*Link to Application*: https://mydrl.umd.edu/MyDRL/Student/EmpApp/