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Gene Ferrick <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 28 Mar 2011 13:16:21 -0400
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Pre-SOMA meeting
Tue, April 5, 4:00pm – 5:30pm
1216 HJP
There will be a meeting to discuss establishing a pre-Student Osteopathic Medicine Association (SOMA) and plans for the future of the organization on campus.  Guest speakers from UMDJSOM's first year class will be on hand to share advice and experience.  They will be bringing OMM tables so you are encouraged to bring your aches and pains!
AMCAS presentation by the AAMC
Wed, April 6, 4:30pm – 5:30pm
Room 0102 KEY
Ms. Jayme Bograd of the AAMC will preview the 2012 AMCAS application.  All students interested in applying to medical school in the 2012 applicant cycle should plan to attend.
AADSAS presentation - by ADEA
Wed, April 6, 6pm – 7pm
Location TBA
Mr. Josh Hargrove of the ADEA will preview the 2012 AADSAS application.  All students interested in applying to dental school in the 2012 application cycle should plan to attend.
Scholarship Session
Thu, April 7, 5:00pm – 6:30pm
1104 HJP (map)
Representatives from the Armed Forces will discuss service-relates scholarships.  In addition, we are delighted to welcome Dr. Mike Rudolph, UMD alum and current practicing DDS to the panel to discuss his personal experience with the Navy scholarship program.  Don't miss it!