Subject: I4C Summer Academy Computing Instructor Position
The Iribe Initiative for Inclusion & Diversity in Computing and the Maryland
Center for Women in Computing is accepting applications for our I4C Summer
Academy Computing Instructor position. This is a full-time position for
current UMD students. Computing Instructors teach computing concepts,
cybersecurity, & artificial intelligence to rising 4th-12th grade students.
If you are interested in becoming a Computing Instructor apply today!
Best Consideration: March 26th
Appointment: June 1st - August 13th
Pay Rate: $14/hr
For more information about our I4C Summer Academy programs, visit:
Event Date: March 22, 2021
Event Start Time: 9:00 am
Event End Time: 10:00 am
Contact Person: Veronica Sanchez
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]
Contact Phone Number: 3014052775
Website URL:
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