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LT Jacob Norris <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 13 Oct 2015 10:01:16 -0400
text/plain (37 lines)
Subject: Internship Opportunity at Naval Medical Research Center

I am writing to invite applications for an internship with the Naval Medical
Research Center, Neurotrauma department in Silver Spring, MD.

Applicants should be a junior or senior level undergraduate or graduate
students. Applicants should have an interest in neuroscience research,
specifically concussion or traumatic brain injury, or an interest in learning
about animal research focused on TBI and PTSD.

Requirements include ability to commit to a minimum of 10-15 hours per week
and the commitment to complete the work on site (Silver Spring, MD) due to
the nature of the work.

The internship is unpaid, but may be able to transition to a paid internship
for Summer 2016.

Interested parties should contact LT Jacob Norris, PhD, MSC, USN
([log in to unmask]) immediately and include a few sentences about
their interest in the project along with a current CV.

The current study involves blast-induced traumatic brain injury along with
fear conditioning to study the com-morbidity of mild TBI and PTSD. The study
is aimed at understanding co-morbid mild TBI and PTSD in the military
population. The study involves animal behavioral and molecular experiments as
well as statistical analysis of data.

Anna E. (Schlappal) Tschiffely Ph.D.
Post-Doc, Henry M. Jackson Foundation
Naval Medical Research Center
Neurotrauma Department

Contact Person: LT Jacob Norris
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]