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Gene Ferrick <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 23 Dec 2020 12:10:39 -0500
text/plain (57 lines)
Subject: AFCEA-Central Maryland "Jeremy" Scholarship for students in CS/Cyber

2021 Scholarship Opportunities
Central Maryland Chapter - Education Foundation
2021 Jeremy A. Pinkerton Cyber Scholarship Award

Purpose:  AFCEA Central Maryland Chapter Educational Foundation seeks to
recognize college students in their sophomore or junior year who have shown
an aptitude for cyber security and who have dealt with academic adversity in
their life. They must show how they are overcoming academic adversity to
accomplish their career goal.

Award:  Each Jeremy A. Pinkerton Cyber Scholarship is a one-time, $2,500
award to be applied towards the student's academic education. The award is
named in honor of a University of Maryland student who persevered despite
medical challenges and found success through encouraging team learning in
computer science at the University of Maryland. Two types of students are
eligible to apply: 1. Students attending a community college for the first
two years as long as they will continue on to attend any of the 12 schools in
the University System of Maryland*. 2. Sophomore- or junior- level college
students who attend or have been accepted to attend any of the 12 schools in
the University System of Maryland*.

Criteria: Applicants must:

Be a well-rounded full-time student in their sophomore or junior year at any
of the 12 schools in the University System of Maryland* who has shown an
aptitude for cyber security and has dealt with academic adversity.
Be a current student or accepted as a transfer student for the following fall
semester any of the 12 schools in the University System of Maryland*.
Be working towards a B.S. or a B.A degree with a declared major in Computer
Science with a focus on Cyber Security or other cyber related areas of study
supportive of national defense. Stay in a field of study supportive of
national defense through graduation.
Stay in a field of study supportive of national defense through graduation.
Have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.7 on a 4.0 scale, with demonstrated
improvement over time.
Be a resident of Washington D.C., Virginia or Maryland.
Be a U.S. citizen.
Be nominated by the applicant’s college advisor.
*Note: a list of the 12 University System of Maryland schools may be found at (link is external)

Application Files:

The Jeremy Sample Application: 2021

Please click here to apply.

Contact Person: AFCEA
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]

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