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"Katerina V. Thompson" <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 29 Nov 2012 18:16:07 +0000
text/plain (17 lines)
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) sponsors a 10-week summer
internship program for students majoring in homeland security related
science, technology, engineering and mathematics (HS-STEM) disciplines.
This program is open to undergraduate students in a broad spectrum of DHS
mission-relevant research areas (e.g., engineering, computer science,
mathematics,physics, chemistry, biology, environmental science, social
sciences) and graduate students interested in the specific field of
Nuclear and Radiological Threat Detection.  Internships are available at
multiple National laboratories (Argonne, Idaho, Lawrence Bekeley, Lawrence
Livermore, Los Alamos, Oak Ridge, Pacific Northwest, Sandia, Savannah
River) and other research facilities (e.g., NIST, Homeland Security
Studies and Analysis Institute). Stipends are $5,000 plus travel expenses
for undergraduate students and $7,000 plus travel expenses  for graduate
students. U.S. Citizenship is required. Application deadline is January
15, 2013. For more information or to apply, visit