December 2008


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International Education Policy <[log in to unmask]>
Steve Klees <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 15 Dec 2008 21:00:14 -0500
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Steve Klees <[log in to unmask]>

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2008 9:56 PM
Subject: Student Symposium on African Education

Dear Ms. Marques,

Could you please distribute this call for abstracts in your general  
announcements to students in your program. We are accepting abstracts  
until January 15th.  I am also attaching the information in a flyer  
should you want to post it.  If you have any questions, please feel  
free to contact me.


Jessica Lopez
MA candidate at Teachers College, Columbia University
(212) 280-7656

Student Symposium on African Education: "Interrogating Quality within  
the African Context."

African Studies Working Group. Teachers College, Columbia University.
Call for Abstracts.
Date/Time: Friday, February 27, 2009, 10 am to 6 pm.
Location: 179 Grace Dodge Hall, Teachers College, Columbia University.

The Student Symposium on African Education brings together students,  
researchers, and practitioners from inside and outside of Teachers  
College, Columbia University to share ideas and learn from each other  
about the topic of educational quality in Africa. This event is  
organized by the African Studies Working Group, a student organization  
based at Teachers College, and is primarily intended as an opportunity  
for graduate students to present their work, although scholars and  
practitioners are also encouraged to participate. The conference will  
be interdisciplinary, drawing participants from fields
including, but not limited to, education, development studies,  
anthropology, sociology,and political science. More information about  
the organization can be found online at

Call for Abstracts:
"Quality is at the heart of education. It influences what students  
learn, how well they learn and what benefits they draw from their  
education." (EFA Global Monitoring Report,2005). The Student Symposium  
on African Education will focus on a range of issues related to  
educational quality in the African context. In recent years,  
international organizations and donor governments have put a great  
deal of emphasis on increasing access to schooling in the developing  
world, epitomized by "Education for All" and the Free Primary  
Education movements that swept many African nations at the turn of the  
twenty-first century. One result of this shift was a new appreciation  
for the need to improve educational quality. This conference aims to  
critically examine and explore understandings of educational quality  
and their implications for policy and practice. We welcome abstract  
submissions of presentations addressing topics within the broad realm  
of educational quality in the African context. Topics may include:  
Pedagogy, Instruction, Curriculum, Teacher Training, Assessment,  
Accountability, Inclusion, Integrated Services, Student Safety and  
Security, Teacher Compensation, Teacher/Student Motivation,  
Availability of Resources, Language Policy, or other related research  
Proposal Formats: There are two ways to actively participate in the  
symposium. Panels will be organized topically, while poster  
presentations can be broader in scope. Those not selected to  
participate on a panel are encouraged to participate in the poster  
session, which will allow participants to present and discuss their  
work in a less formal setting.

Please submit:
- Title of the paper/poster (15 words or fewer)
- Presenter's name, institutional affiliation and title, mailing  
address, e-mail address and telephone numbers
- An abstract of 200 words or less of the paper/poster
- Two keyword descriptors of the paper/poster

Abstracts are to be submitted no later than January 15, 2009.  
Acceptance notifications will be sent by January 25, 2009. All  
abstracts should be submitted electronically to [log in to unmask] Decisions  
regarding proposals will be sent by e-mail. If you are unable to  
receive notification by e-mail, please indicate an alternative way to  
contact you on the proposal submission form.