March 2018


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Mon, 26 Mar 2018 03:10:10 -0400
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It is possible to derive the Lorentz group from Heisenberg's
uncertainty commutators.  How is it possible?    Go to
   or   go to

For the complete list of conferences in the Confmenu program, go to


and choose CONFMENU.

We have added the following conferences and special issues to
our Confmenu.


AEMS.18      4.23-25     Spring Intl Conference on Applied and
                         Engineering Mathematics (Guilin, China)

MSTS.18      4.23-25     Spring Intl Conference on Material Sciences
                         and Technology (Guilin, China)

ICPMS.18     5.12-14     Intl Conference on Physics, Mathematics and
                         Statistics (Shanghai, China)

IWMSE.18     5.18-20     4th Annual International Workshop on Materials
                         Science and Engineering (Xi'an, China)

NDES.18      6.11-13     Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems
                         (Catania, ITALY)

CGI.18       6.11-14     Computer Graphics International
                         (Bintan, Indonesia)

QHE.18       6.27-29     Intl Symposium on Quantum Hall Effects and
                         Related Topics (Stuttgart, Germany)

ICCSCM.18    7.5-6       7th Intl Conference on Computer Science and
                         Computational Mathematics
                         (Langkawi, Malaysia)

ICCE.18      7.15-21     26th Annual Intl Conference on Composites
                         or Nano Engineering (Paris, France)

ATMPLAS.18   7.16-17     EuroSciCon Conference on Atomic and
                         Plasma Science (Prague, Czech Republic)

AGACSE.18    7.23-27     7th Conference on Applied Geometric Algebras
                         in Computer Science and Engineering
                         (Las Campinas, Brazil)

CCP.18       7.29-8.2    30th IUPAP Conference on Computational
                         Physics (Davis, California, USA)

CORFU.18     8.31-9.28   18th Hellenic School and Workshops on
                         Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity
                         (Corfu, Greece)

RICAP.18     9.4-7       7th Edition of the RICAP Conference on
                         High-energy Cosmic Rays (Rome, Italy)

QCDS.18      9.9-15      Quantum Chromodynamics and Its Symmetries
                         (Oberwoelz, Austria)

PHYS.18      9.14-18     4th Intl Conference on Physics
                         (Berlin, Germany)

ERICE.18     9.16-24     Strong Interactions: From Quarks and Gluons to
                         Nuclei and Stars.
                         (Erice/Trapani, Sicily, Italy)

DICE.18      9.17-21     9th Intl Conference DICE2018:
                         Spacetime- Matter - Quantum Mechanics
                         (Castiglioncello, Tuscany, Italy)

PODD.18      9.19-20     Intl conferences on Photonics,
                         Optoelectronics and Display Devices
                         (Philadelphia, USA)

CPOD.18      9.24-28     The Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement
                         Conference (Corfu, Greece)

GLOBAL.18    9.27-28     Global Summit on Physics
                         (Madrid, Spain)

WCQNE.18     9.27-28     World Congress on Quantum and Nuclear
                         Engineering (Madrid, Spain)

WCO.18       10.29-31    7th Annual World Congress of Ocean
                         (Qingdao, China)
FTC.18       11.15-16    Future Technologies Conference
                         (Vancouver, Canada)

HEPP.18      12.3-4      4th Intl Conference on High Energy &
                         Particle Physics (Valencia, Spain)


If you think it is too expensive to attend conferences, you may consider
submitting your articles to special issues.

Deadline      Title of the Issue, and http
              Special Issue on

2018.4.6      Dark Matter: WIMP, Axion, and Beyond

2018.4.27     Properties of Chemical and Kinetic Freeze-Outs in
              High-Energy Nuclear Collisions

2018.7.13     Classical and Quantum Approaches to Black Holes

2018.9.14     Quantum Information and Holography

2018.4.27     Neutrino Physics in the Frontiers of Intensities and
              Very High Sensitivities 2018


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program, send your announcement to <[log in to unmask]>.
Please include

  (1) title abbreviation, such as  CONFINE.18, CPMPU.18, NANOTEC.19
  (2) dates of your Conference
  (3) title of the Conference
  (4) place (city, country)
  (5) WWW address
  (6) brief description of the Conference, including the scope and
      purpose, names of the principal organizers, and a list of
      speakers if available.

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