October 2007


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Tue, 16 Oct 2007 04:16:06 -0400
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For "Feynman as an Arstist," go to the Confmenu main page

For the complete list of conferences in the Confmenu program,

and choose CONFMENU.

We have added the following conferences to our Confmenu.


TTRR33.07    12.2-8       1st TTRR33 winter school: theoretical
                          and observational cosmology
                          (Passo del Tonale, Italy)

VSOP.08      1.3-16       14th Vietnam school of physics
                          (Quy-nhon, Vietnam)

EQD.08       1.28-30      Workshop on entanglement and quantum
                          decoherence (Nara, Japan)

AdS/CFT.08   1.29-31      Workshop on integrability in the 
AdS/CFT             l
                          correspondence (Utrecht, the Netherlands)

SCADRON.08   2.11-16      Workshop on scalar mesons and related
                          topics honoring the 70th Birthday of
                          Michael D. Scadron (Lisbon, Portugal)

LL.08        4.20-25      Loops and legs in quantum field theory
                          (Sondershausen, Germany)

IWOFM.08     4.22-25      Intl workshop on functional materials
                          and nanomaterials (Chiang Mai, Thailand)

SMARTM.08    4.22-25      Intl conference on smart materials –
                          smart/intelligent materials and
                          nanotechnology (Chiang Mai, Thailand)

SP.08        5.28-6.1     String phenomenology 2008
                          (Philadelphia, USA)
                          Contact: [log in to unmask]

UP.08        6.9-13       26th intl conference on ultrafast
                          phenomena (Stresa, Italy)

ISQS.08      6.19-21      Integrable systems and quantum symmetries
                          (Prague, Czech Republic)

PIC.08       6.25-28      Intl symposium on Physics in Collision
                          (Perugia, Italy)

SMP.08       6.25-28      40th symposium on mathematical physics:
                          "geometry & quanta" (Torun, Poland)

NoMaP.08     7.22-26      Noncommutative structures in mathematics
                          and physics (Brussels, Belgium)

FPP.08       8.23-29      Foundations of probability and physics - 5
                          (Vaxjo, Sweden)

H.08         8.25-29      Hydrogen (Brijuni Island, Croatia)

EUPHO.08     8.30-9.5     3rd EPS-QEOD Europhoton conference
                          (Paris, France)

CMD.08       9.25-29      22nd general conference of the condensed
                          matter division (Rome, Italy)

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It is a pleasure to send out this mail from Warsaw (Poland).

If you are interested in announcing your conference using this
program, send your announcement to <[log in to unmask]>.
Please include

  (1) title abbreviation, such as MMM.08, CASIMIR.08, WIGNER.08
  (2) dates of the Conference
  (3) title of your Conference
  (4) place (city, country)
  (5) WWW address
  (6) brief description of the Conference, including the scope and
         purpose, names of the principal organizers, and a list of
         speakers if available.

Please include all these items in the text.  Our robot is not smart
enough to read attached documents.

We hope very much the number of conferences will remain smaller
than the number of preprints.

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