May 2015


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Wed, 13 May 2015 00:05:36 -0400
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For Charles Hermite, Sorbonne, and the rest of Paris, go to


with new photos from Paris.

For the complete list of conferences in the Confmenu program, visit


and choose CONFMENU.

We have added the following conferences to our Confmenu.


CPC.15       6.12-14     2nd Conference on Physical Chemistry
                         (Suzhou, China)

SMP.15       6.19-21     47th Symposium on Mathematical Physics:
                         Dynamics of Open Quantum Systems, Quantum
                         Information and Related Issues
                         (Torun, Poland)

ICSSUR.15    6.29-7.3    14th Intl Conference on Squeezed States and
                         Uncertainty Relations (Gdansk, Poland)

BS.15        7.5-12      15th Intl Scientific Baikal Summer School
                         on Physics of Elementary Particles and
                         Astrophysics (B.Koty, Irkutsk, Russia)

QTS.15       7.13-18     9th Intl Symposium on Quantum Theory
                         and Symmetries (Yerevan, Armenia)

ICPSA.15     7.19-21     Intl Conference on Probability and Stochastic
                         Analysis (Shanghai, China)

LASERTEC.15  7.20-22     Intl Conference and Trade Fair on Laser
                         Technology (Orlando, Florida, USA)

AAPT.15      7.25-29     Summer Meeting of the American Association
                         of Physics Teachers
                         (College Park, Maryland, USA)

MODULI.15    8.17-11.20  Moduli Spaces and Singularities in Algebraic
                         and Riemannian Geometry
                         (Stony Brook, New York, USA)

MSAM.15      8.23-24     Intl Conference on Modeling, Simulation
                         and Applied Mathematics (Phuket, Thailand)

ICNFP.15     8.23-8.30   4th Intl Conference on New Frontiers
                         in Physics
                         (OAC, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece)

MANNP.15     8.25-27     3rd Intl Conference on Molecular, Atomic,
                         Nuclear and Particle Physics
                         (Shanghai, China)

RANDOMM.15   8.24–12.18  Foundations and Applications of Random Matrix
                         Theory in Mathematics and Physics
                         (Stony Brook, New York, USA)

CMBBE.15     9.1-5       Computer Methods in Biomechanics and
                         Biomedical Engineering, and Imaging and
                         Visualization (Montreal, Canada)

NONLIN.15    9.7-9       Tutorial Workshop "Topics in Nonlinear
                         Dynamics" (Turin, Italy)

ASSL.15      10.4-9      Advanced Solid State Lasers Conference and
                         Exhibition (Berlin, Germany)

LOC.15       10.23-25    2nd Laser and Optoelectronics Conference
                         (Suzhou, China)

TMF.15       10.25-28    Time Machine Factory Conference
                         (Turin, Italy)

STATMC.16    2.15-4.15   Statistical Mechanics and Combinatorics
                         (Stony Brook, New York, USA)

GQH.16       4.18-6.17   Geometry of Quantum Hall States
                         (Stony Brook, New York, USA)

CONFINE.16   8.29-9.2    12th Quark Confinement and the Hadron
                         Spectrum (Thessaloniki, Greece)

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If you are interested in announcing your conference using this
program, send your announcement to <[log in to unmask]>.
Please include

  (1) title abbreviation, such as DSL.15, PHOTOP.15, CONFINE.16
  (2) dates of the Conference
  (3) title of your Conference
  (4) place (city, country)
  (5) WWW address
  (6) brief description of the Conference, including the scope and
      purpose, names of the principal organizers, and a list of
      speakers if available.

Please include all these items in the text.  Our robot is not smart
enough to read attached documents.

We hope very much the number of conferences will remain smaller
than the number of preprints.

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