February 2015


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Thu, 19 Feb 2015 01:27:43 -0500
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Paul A. M. Dirac invented Squeezed States.  Did you know this?
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For the complete list of conferences in the Confmenu program, visit


and choose CONFMENU.

We have added the following conferences to our Confmenu.


ICCSCM.15    5.7-8       4th Intl Conference on Computer Science and
                         Computational Mathematics
                         (Langkawi, Malaysia)

NTMA.15      5.17-23     Complex Networks: Theory, Methods and
                         (Como, Italy)

LATTICE.15   5.22-26     Lattice Models: Exact Methods and
                         Combinatorics (Florence, Italy)

NEEDS.15     5.24-31     Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Dynamical
                         Systems, 29th Edition
                         (Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy)

ABSS.15      6.8-12      Applied Bayesian Statistics
                         (Como, Italy)

ASTS.15      6.11-18     Advanced Strings School 2015
                         (Bangalore, India)

MSDM.15      6.16-21     Magnetic Solotronics in Semiconductors
                         and Novel Dirac's Materials (Como, Italy)

ERPB.15      6.22-26     Enzymology and Metabolic Regulation:
                         Proteins and Biotechnologies (Como, Italy)

ISSHPSE.15   6.22-26     1st Intl Summer School for Sciences,
                         History and Philosophy of Sciences & Science
                         Education (Lille, France)

RANDOM.15    6.22-26     Random Interfaces and Integrable Probability
                         (Florence, Italy)

ICCE.15      6.27-28     2nd Intl Conference on Creative Education
                         (London, UK)

AMITANS.15   6.28-7.3    7th Conference of the Euro-American
                         Consortium for Promoting the Application
                         of Mathematics in Technical and Natural
                         Sciences (Albena, Bulgaria)

ACSS.15      6.29-7.3    Advances in Complex Systems (Como, Italy)

HS.15        6.29-7.3    7th Joint Intl Hadron Structure Conference
                         (Stary Smokovec, Slovak Republic)

AEGEAN.15    6.29-7.4    8th Aegean Summer School, "Gravitational
                         Waves: From Theory to Observations"
                         (Crete, Greece)

CEWQO.15     7.6-10      22nd Central European Workshop on Quantum
                         Optics (Warsaw, Poland)

FDIS.15      7.12-17     3rd Conference on Finite Dimensional
                         Integrable Systems in Geometry and
                         Mathematical Physics (Bedlewo, Poland)

AAPT.15      7.25-29     AAPT Summer Meeting
                         (College Park, Maryland, U.S.A.)

CSCW.15      8.24-29     Computer supported Cooperative Work:
                         Foundations, Methods and Technologies
                         (Como, Italy)

SCNO.15      8.31-9.4    Spatiotemporal Complexity in Nonlinear
                         Optics (Como, Italy)

CORFU.15     9.1-26      15th Hellenic School and Workshops on
                         Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity
                         (Corfu, Greece)

DEEPEST.15   9.13-18     Recent Developments in Physics of Fundamental
                         Interactions,  34th Intl Conference of
                         Theoretical Physics (Ustron, Poland)

VIPIMAGE.15  10.19-21    5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on
                         Computational Vision and Medical Image
                         Processing (Tenerife, Spain)

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If you are interested in announcing your conference using this
program, send your announcement to <[log in to unmask]>.
Please include

  (1) title abbreviation, such as DSL.15, PHOTOP.15, SSP.15
  (2) dates of the Conference
  (3) title of your Conference
  (4) place (city, country)
  (5) WWW address
  (6) brief description of the Conference, including the scope and
      purpose, names of the principal organizers, and a list of
      speakers if available.

Please include all these items in the text.  Our robot is not smart
enough to read attached documents.

We hope very much the number of conferences will remain smaller
than the number of preprints.

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