March 2010


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Sun, 14 Mar 2010 22:46:51 -0400
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Einstein in the United States.  Go to

For the complete list of conferences in the Confmenu program,

and choose CONFMENU.

We have added the following conferences to our Confmenu.


CPFS.10      3.22-26     Intl Program 'Frontier Areas Research
                         Excellence' of the Congress of Philosophy
                         and Foundations of Science XIV
                         (New Delhi. India)

THEXP.10     4.8-9       Theory Experiment Interplay at the LHC
                         Workshop (Egham, UK)

SOTANCP.10   5.25-28     2nd Workshop on "State of the Art in
                         Nuclear Cluster Physics (Brussels, Belgium)

GTSMP.10     6.4-10.4    Intl Workshop on Gauge Theories,
                         Supersymmetry, and Mathematical Physics
                         (Lyon, France)

CIAS.10      6.8-11      Dark Matter in the Universe and Universal
                         Properties of Galaxies: Theory and
                         Observations (Meudon, France)

[log in to unmask]  6.20-23     QCD@Work - Intl Workshop on QCD - Theory
                         and Experiment - Beppe Nardulli Memorial
                         Workshop (Martina Franca, Italy)

BENASQ.10    6.20-7.3    INSTANS Summer School (Benasque, Spain)

TOOLS.10     6.29-7.2    TOOLS 2010, Tools for SUSY and the New
                         Physics, Sharpening our Tools
                         (Winchester, UK)

TIENCS.10,   7.5-9       3rd Intl Workshop on Transmission of
                         Information and Energy in Nonlinear and
                         Complex Systems, focus on phonon
                         transport and thermoelectric (Singapore)

PI.10        7.11-16     Path Integrals 2010 (Washington, DC, USA)

PARCOS.10    7.22-24     14th Paris Cosmology Colloquium: the
                         Standard Model of the Universe: Theory
                         and Observations (Paris, France)

ISIS.10      8.23-28     Interdisciplinary Symmetry Congress and
                         Exhibition / Symmetry: Art and Science
                         (Gmuend, nr Salzburg, Austria)

CPOD.10      8.23-29     6th Intl Workshop on Critical Point and
                         Onset of Deconfinement (Dubna, Russia)

SIS.10       8.24-28     Supersymmetry in Integrable Systems
                         (Yerevan, Armenia)

NOW.10       9.4-11      Neutrino Oscillation Workshop
                         (Otranto, Lecce, Italy)

INSTANS.10   9.6-10      Quantum Matter in Low Dimensions:
                         Opportunities and Challenges
                         (Stockholm, Sweden)

RIAO.10      9.20-24     7th Ibero-American Conference on Optics &
OPTILAS.10               10th Latin-American Meeting on Optics,
                         Laser and Applications (Lima, Peru)

ISHPGC.10    10.18-23    4th Intl Symposium "High Energy Physics,
                         Cosmology and Gravity"(Kyiv, Ukraine)

DYSES.10     10.20-25    5th Dynamics of Socioeconomic Systems
                         (Benevento, Italy)

HEAT.10      10.23-28    New Trends in Nonlinear Dynamics: Heat
                         Control and Thermo-electric Efficiency
                         (Erice, Sicily, Italy)

IEEE-NS.10   10.30-11.6  IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical
                         Imaging Conference, and Room Temperature
                         Semiconductor Detectors Workshop
                         (Knoxville, Tennessee, USA)

SCISCI.10    11.11-13    2nd Intl Conference on Science in Society
                         (Madrid, Spain)

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If you are interested in announcing your conference using this
program, send your announcement to <[log in to unmask]>.
Please include

  (1) title abbreviation, such as AQT.10, ICQOQI.10, PETROV.10.
  (2) dates of the Conference
  (3) title of your Conference
  (4) place (city, country)
  (5) WWW address
  (6) brief description of the Conference, including the scope and
         purpose, names of the principal organizers, and a list of
         speakers if available.

Please include all these items in the text.  Our robot is not smart
enough to read attached documents.

We hope very much the number of conferences will remain smaller
than the number of preprints.

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