March 2017


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Thu, 23 Mar 2017 17:15:36 -0400
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Like to know how Faraday got money from Disrali?  Click on

For the complete list of conferences in the Confmenu program, go to


and choose CONFMENU.

We have added the following conferences and special issues to
our Confmenu.


LDMA.17      5.24-28     Light Dark Matter 2017
                         (La Biodola, Isola d'Elba, Italy)

VARNA.17     6.9-12      Hypercomplex Numbers, Lie Groups, and
                         Applications (Varna, June)

SS.17        6.21-23     9th Summer Solstice Intl Conference on
                         Discrete Models of Complex Systems
                         (Catania, Italy)

GRAPHENE.17  6.25-30     Join Graphene Study on Electronic and
                         Photonic Devices and their Applications
                         (Gothenburg, Sweden)

MICROE.17    7.3-7       Micro Energy Conference Intl Conference
                         (Gubbio, Italy)

ATHENS.17    7.17-18     5th Annual Intl Conference on Physics
                         (Athens, Greece)
                         email: [log in to unmask]

FFP.17       7.23-25     5th Intl Symposium on Frontiers of
                         Fundamental Physics (Hanoi, Vietnam)
                         email: [log in to unmask]

ICESI.17     8.2-4       Intl Conference on Engineering, Science, and
                         Industrial Applications (Bangkok, Thailand);lang=en

DCNM.17      8.14-17     Detection of CBRN-nanostructured Materials
                         (Odessa, Ukraine)

ICNFP.17     8.17-26     6th Intl Conference on New Frontiers in
                         Physics (Kolymbari, Crete, Greece)

ECSN.17      8.17-20     Electron Correlation in Superconductors
                         and Nanostructures (Odessa, Ukraine)

ICSSUR.17    8.28-9.1    15th Intl Conference on Squeezed States and
                         Uncertainty Relations (Jeju, South Korea)

CCS.17       9.17-22     Conference on Complex Systems
                         (Cancun, Mexico)

AEGEAN.17    9.18-23     Einstein's Theory of Gravity and its
                         Modifications: From Theory to Observations
                         (Island of Sifnos, Greece)

MPHYS.17     9.18-23     9th Mathematical Physics Meeting: School and
                         Conference on Modern Mathematical Physics
                         (Belgrade, Serbia)

ICECMP.17    9.25-27     Intl Conference and Expo on Condensed Matter
                         Physics (Valencia, Spain)

ANP.17       11.8-9      2nd Intl Conference on Atomic and Nuclear
                         Physics (Las Vegas, Nevada, USA)

FTC.17       11.29-30    Future Technologies Conference
                         (Vancouver, BC, Canada)

If it is too expensive for you to attend conferences, you may
consider submitting your articles to special issues on specified


Deadline      Title of the Issue, and http
              Special Issue on

2017.4.19     Applied Physics

2017.4.25     Estimation theory and its application

2017.4.30     Quantum Information and Foundations

2017.5.5      Mathematics of Quantum Uncertainty

2017.5.19     Partial Differential Equations

2017.6.30     Recent advances in Geo-Mineral Physics

2017.7.11     Integral Equations and Transforms


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address we should delete.  Your request will receive a courteous
personal attention.  If you do not hear from us about what action
has been taken, please tell us again.

If you are interested in announcing your conference using this
program, send your announcement to <[log in to unmask]>.
Please include

  (1) title abbreviation, such as  BIOPHYS.17, CAPS.17, QMATH.17
  (2) dates of your Conference
  (3) title of the Conference
  (4) place (city, country)
  (5) WWW address
  (6) brief description of the Conference, including the scope and
      purpose, names of the principal organizers, and a list of
      speakers if available.

Please include all these items in the text.  Our system is not smart
enough to read attached documents.

We hope very much the number of conferences will remain smaller
than the number of preprints.

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mail (or mail to [log in to unmask]) telling us which e-mail address we
should delete.  Your request will receive a courteous personal
attention.  If you do not hear from us about what action has been
taken, please tell us again.


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