NOBCCHE Archives

September 2006


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Merle McKinley Dickerson Zimmermann <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
NOBCChE - UMD Chapter <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 19 Sep 2006 13:54:21 -0400
text/plain (29 lines)
Hi everyone,

There was a small meeting today, and we decided it would be a good idea to take a survey about the next meeting time, since there are a number of new people this semester joining the organization, and elections are coming up next month.

Please reply with Xs next to the times you could attend:

11am-1pm Mondays :
12noon-1pm Mondays : 
4-6 pm Mondays :

11am-1pm Tuesdays :
12noon-1pm Tuesdays :
4-6 pm Tuesdays :

11am-1pm Wednesdays :
12noon-1pm Wednesdays :
4-6 pm Wednesdays :

Also, we are trying to set up the STARS registration with the graduate student goverment, so we can request event funding and the like.  (If you have your ID card handy, please look at the front where it says U ID: 10....... for your Student ID number.  We need to collect several more as soon as possible so we can process the registration.)

Name :
Dept (Chemical Engineering / Chemistry / etc.) :
Student ID :
Degree Sought (Ph.D. / Masters / etc.) :

Thank you very much for your time and trouble, and please stay tuned for the announcement of the meeting time and place.

Merle Zimmermann, 2005 President