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August 2007


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Sigurd Skogestad <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Fri, 3 Aug 2007 13:16:39 +0200
text/plain (37 lines)
4 PhD fellowships in process design and process control applied to 
natural gas processes at NTNU in Trondheim, Norway

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is Norway’s
only technical university with about 15000 students.
The Department of Chemical Engineering has about 20 faculty and 60 PhD
students. Within the GASSMAKS research program,
financed by the Norwegian research Council, there are several PhD
positions available.

<> <>*** 2 PhD positions in the area of conceptual process design.
The main objective is to improve the design and operation of selected
natural gas conversion process with respect to profitability, safety and
environmental loads. For further information please see the web page of
Professor Magne Hillestad at .
*** 2 PhD fellowships in the area of plantwide process control.
The objective is to further develop the procedure of Skogestad (Comp.
Chem. Engng., 2004, 219-234) and to apply it to natural gas conversion
processes (e.g. Fisher-Tropsch). For further information please see the
web page of Professor Sigurd Skogestad at .
*** For all positions:
Applicants should be theoretically strong and have a MSc degree in
chemical engineering or related fields.
PhD fellowships have a salary of approx. 50 000 USD per year. The start
date is flexible.
Please send your application, including details about grades from BSc
and MSc studies and support letters, using the following web-page:
<> (ref.
NT-56/07 for process control or ref. NT-57/07 for process design).<>

Application deadline: 25 August 2007