Upcoming WebCAST seminar entitled:
"The Role of Process Systems Engineering in the Quest for the Artificial
Professor Francis J. Doyle III
Duncan and Suzanne Mellichamp Chair in Process Control
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of California, Santa Barbara
Date: Monday, September 28, 2009, 1-3 pm (EST)
Dial-in from the comfort of your office to hear the presentation
Deadline to Register: September 20, 2009 (details at
Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by complete
pancreatic beta-cell insufficiency. The only treatment is with
subcutaneous or intravenous insulin injections, traditionally
administered in an open-loop manner. Patients attempt to mimic normal
physiology in order to prevent the complications of hyper- and
hypoglycemia (elevated glucose levels, and low glucose levels,
respectively). Even minor glucose elevations increase the risk of
complications (retinopathy, nephropathy, and peripheral vascular disease).
In recent years, sensors and pumps have become available that show great
promise for a closed-loop artificial pancreas -- however the crucial
missing component is the algorithm to connect the devices. In order to
normalize the glucose levels of insulin dependent, type 1 diabetic
patients, the algorithms for the development of an artificial pancreatic
islet need to exploit all the measured variables that the normal islet
insulin secretion utilizes and quickly increase or decrease the insulin
Our group has been working on model-based control algorithms for pump
control over the last 17 years; with clinical evaluations over the last
7 years in collaboration with the Sansum Diabetes Research Institute.
Our investigations have addressed the critical algorithmic elements of:
model identification, disturbance estimation, model predictive
controller design, event detection, monitoring & alarming, and
optimization solution. In this talk, we present our most recent
computational and clinical results in pursuit of the artificial beta
cell. Our novel contributions include the model formulation, meal
detection & estimation schemes, efficient programming formulation, and
the use of insulin-on-board constraints to ensure safety.
Bio-Sketch: Professor Francis J. Doyle III
Dr. FRANCIS J. DOYLE III is the Associate Dean for Research in the
College of Engineering at UC, Santa Barbara and he is the Associate
Director of the Army Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies. He
holds the Duncan and Suzanne Mellichamp Chair in Process Control in the
Department of Chemical Engineering, as well as appointments in the
Electrical Engineering Department, and the Biomolecular Science and
Engineering Program. He received his B.S.E. from Princeton (1985),
C.P.G.S. from Cambridge (1986), and Ph.D. from Caltech (1991), all in
Chemical Engineering. Prior to his appointment at UCSB, he has held
faculty appointments at Purdue University and the University of
Delaware, and held visiting positions at DuPont, Weyerhaeuser, and
Stuttgart University. He is the recipient of several research awards
(including the NSF National Young Investigator, ONR Young Investigator,
Humboldt Research Fellowship) as well as teaching awards (including the
Purdue Potter Award, and the ASEE Ray Fahien Award). He is currently the
editor-in-chief of the IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology,
and holds Associate Editor positions with the Journal of Process
Control, the SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, and Royal
Society’s Interface. In 2005, he was awarded the Computing in Chemical
Engineering Award from the American Institute of Chemical Engineers for
his innovative work in systems biology. His research interests are in
systems biology, network science, modeling and analysis of circadian
rhythms, drug delivery for diabetes, model-based control, and control of
particulate processes.
Mayuresh V. Kothare
R. L. McCann Professor
Chemical Process Modeling and Control Research Center
Department of Chemical Engineering
Lehigh University, D322 Iacocca Hall
111 Research Drive, Bethlehem, PA 18015, U.S.A.
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URL: http://www.lehigh.edu/~mvk2