This webinar will briefly demonstrate some of the key capabilities of gPROMS
gPROMS is the world's leading process modeling platform. gPROMS ModelBuilder
allows you to construct, validate and execute high-fidelity models of
process operations within a flowsheeting environment.
The webinar is aimed at technical management and process engineers from
companies who regularly need to deploy modeling and model-based engineering
techniques to optimize process design and operations.
The webinar will illustrate 10 key aspects of gPROMS that differentiate it
from traditional simulation tools and provide a step-change in the
capabilities available to engineers. It will cover the following areas:
Pieter Schmal is the Application Engineer for the Americas region. He is a
chemical engineer with a Ph.D. from Delft University in the Netherlands on
large-scale dynamic modeling.
Amit Goda is a Consultant at PSE Inc. He is a Chemical Engineer with a PhD
from University of Delaware, USA.
Date : 18 October 2011
Duration : 1 hour
Start time :10:00 EDT / 15:00 BST
Cost : No charge