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April 2013


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Morten Hovd <[log in to unmask]>
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Morten Hovd <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 25 Apr 2013 05:32:28 -0400
text/plain (23 lines)
The Engineering Cybernetics Department of the Norwegian University of
Technology and Science (NTNU) has an opening for a PhD scholarship in the
area of Controller Performance Monitoring. The scholarship is for four years.

Control systems for large plants are themselves large-scale systems, and
automated techniques are essential for monitoring and fault detection (as
opposed to monitoring and fault detection of the controlled plant). The PhD
student will investigate the use of adaptive data analysis techniques for
root cause detection of distributed oscillations in large plants.

The ideal candidate will have obtained a strong Master's degree in
Engineering Cybernetics / Control Engineering / Process Control.
Alternatively, candidates with a strong background in signal processing or
statistics may be considered. For candidates with such alternative
backgrounds, familiarity with time series analysis including higher order
spectral analysis is preferred, and some knowledge of feedback control is
required. Candidates should have strong communication and cooperation skills.

For further information and application submission, pølease go to

Application deadline: May 15, 2013.