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August 2013


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"Tyler A. Soderstrom" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Tyler A. Soderstrom
Mon, 5 Aug 2013 16:42:53 -0400
text/plain (62 lines)
Cast 10B is soliciting nominations for the 2016 Programming Coordinator.
The current list of CAST 10B Programming Coordinators is:

2013: Michael Baldea (UT-Austin)
2014: Tyler Soderstrom (ExxonMobil)
2015: Nael El-Farra (UC Davis)

Given the CAST 10b policy of selecting a coordinator from industry every 
third year, the 2016 Programming Coordinator should be from academia.

All of the Programming Coordinators for the four CAST Areas sit on the 
CAST Programming Board, which is headed by the CAST Division Programming 
Coordinator (Nick Sahinidis, CMU). To make the process as inclusive as 
possible, we would like to request nominations from the general CAST 
membership. The new procedure for selection of the Programming Coordinator 
is an open voting process.

Please note that all nominees must be willing and able to devote the time 
and effort necessary to carry out the tasks required by the position. When 
nominating someone, please verify their willingness to serve prior to 
making the nomination.  The specific duties of the CAST 10b Programming 
Coordinator include:

Year One: Attend the Area Programming Meeting at the 2014 Fall AIChE 
meeting and learn the basic procedures. Help the other two 10b 
coordinators as necessary with the organization and review process for the 
2014 and 2015 Fall AIChE meetings.

Year Two: Develop the Area 10b program for the 2016 Fall AIChE meeting. 
This task is performed at the Area 10b Programming Meeting at the 2014 
Fall AIChE meeting. Ensure that Calls for Papers are submitted to the 
Division Programming Coordinator on time for inclusion in the CAST 
Newsletter. Ensure that the Division Programming Coordinator has all the 
session titles and chairmen information required for the AIChE programming 
retreat. Organize the development of invited session proposals for the 
2016 American Control Conference. Manage the nomination and appointment 
process for the 2017 Programming Coordinator.

Year Three: Coordinate the review process for AIChE papers submitted to 
the 2016 American Control Conference. Coordinate the central review of 
abstracts for the 2016 Fall AIChE meeting. Develop the final program with 
the assistance of the other Cast 10b programming chairs and session 
chairmen. Report to the CAST 10b membership on the status of Area 
programming at the 2016 Fall Programming Meeting. Request that all 
speakers at AIChE meetings submit a Presentation Record to the AIChE at 
least one month before the meeting. Monitor attendance and note the 
absence of speakers at the sessions.

Please submit nominations before August 30, 2013. Nominations should be 
submitted to me via email ([log in to unmask]) with a cc to 
Nick Sahinidis ([log in to unmask]).  If you have any questions, please do 
not hesitate to contact me.

Tyler A. Soderstrom Ph.D.
Sr. Staff Engineer 
PE Lead Applications Engineer, North American Growth Project
ExxonMobil Research & Engineering
Baytown, TX
(713) 350-7147 Phone
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