CAST10 Archives

February 2014


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John Hedengren <[log in to unmask]>
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John Hedengren <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 23 Feb 2014 00:19:56 +0000
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Please join us later on Tuesday (5 PM Eastern) for the presentation by Martin Schlueter. Martin is presenting from Japan (7 AM). Nick Sahinidis will take a few minutes at the beginning of the session to tell about an upcoming MINLP workshop. No pre-registration is required to join.

Presenter: Martin Schlueter
Date:  25 Feb 2014
Time: 5 PM Eastern Time
Topic: Global Optimization of MINLP by Evolutionary Algorithms
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A general introduction to evolutionary algorithms (esp. Ant Colony Optimization) for MINLP will be given with a focus on the MIDACO optimization software. Numerical results comparing the performance of MIDACO with another evolutionary algorithm and three established deterministic MINLP solvers will be presented. It will be show, that MIDACO can outperform the considered codes in reaching the global optimal solution in reasonable time. Two challenging MINLP space applications, a launch vehicle control and an interplanetary space mission, will be presented additionally.


Martin Schlueter is a post-doctoral researcher at the Hokkaido University (Japan). In 2006 he received his diploma in mathematics from the University of Bayreuth (Germany) under supervision of Klaus Schittkowski. In 2012 he received his PhD from the University of Birmingham (UK) under supervision of Jan Rueckmann. His line of research is focused on the development and implementation of evolutionary algorithms for MINLP with special focus on space applications, in particular interplanetary space missions. Co-funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) and EADS-Astrium he developed the optimization software MIDACO, which currently holds several best known record solutions on challenging NLP space mission benchmarks, published by the European Space Agency.

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Meeting number: 194 144 000
Meeting password: This meeting does not require a password or pre-registration.

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Access code: 194 144 000 

Carl Laird
Parallel Optimization
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11 AM Eastern
Texas A&M

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Jeff Renfro
Progress and Challenges in Equation Oriented Dynamic Modeling
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Anshul Agarwal
John Wassick
Supply Chain Optimization in Dow Chemical
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Krystian Perez
Reduced Order Modeling of Residential Buildings from Smart Meter Data
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University of Texas at Austin

3 Minute Speed Networking
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Sign up here: 

Ali Cinar
Control of Artificial Pancreas Systems 
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Pieter Schmal
Dynamic Modeling and Optimization Advances with gPROMS 
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