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March 2015


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Wolfgang Bauer <[log in to unmask]>
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Wolfgang Bauer <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 23 Mar 2015 16:25:32 -0400
Graz University of Technology/
Faculty of Technical Chemistry, Chemical &
Process Engineering and Biotechnology
seeks to appoint a full professor in the field of

Process Systems Engineering

at the Institute of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technology with
appointment effective as of February 1st, 2016. The successful applicant
will be appointed as professor on the basis of a permanent employment
contract according to Section 98 of the Austrian Universities Act (§ 98

For this position we are seeking a candidate with an outstanding scientific
track record who is able to develop a strong and visible research programme
in the subject of Process Systems Engineering, covering Mass Transfer Unit
Operations in relation with Process and Plant Design and Simulation. The
candidate's research activities and professional records should include
expertise in the above mentioned topics in combination with knowledge-based
process design and application development. Involvement in teaching at
bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral levels in the relevant courses at Graz
University of Technology and NAWI Graz is also expected.

See more details in the attachment!