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August 2015


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"Robert S. Parker" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Robert S. Parker
Fri, 7 Aug 2015 08:09:56 -0400
text/plain (60 lines)
Call for Papers

2016 American Control Conference (ACC 2016)
July 6-8, 2016
Boston, MA, USA

The 2016 ACC meeting will take place at the Boston Marriott Copley Place, in
the Back Bay region of Boston, from July 6 to 8.  As the U.S. national
member organization of the International Federation of Automatic Control
(IFAC), the American Automatic Control Council organizes the ACC annually
for its member societies:  AIAA, AIChE ASCE, ASME, IEEE, ISA, SCS, and SIAM.

Important Dates:
September 27, 2015 - deadline date for 6-page papers
October 16, 2015 - deadline date for workshop proposals

CONTRIBUTED PAPERS on theory and application of automatic control are
invited.  Manuscripts must be 6 pages, and conform to the policies presented
on the conference website.

INVITED SESSIONS are thematic collections of 6 papers in a topic area
providing a diversity of viewpoint and approach.  Proposed sessions must
include the 6 full-length papers and a brief summary of the session.  Each
paper will be independently reviewed in addition to the session proposal review.

TUTORIAL SESSIONS are designed to introduce a topic of interest to the AACC
community.  A central paper (up to 18 pages) and talk (60 minutes) bring the
audience to a common base, from which 3 talks (optional papers up to 6
pages) show the state of the art.  Strong industry/academic collaboration in
Tutorial Sessions is encouraged.

SPECIAL SESSIONS are a venue for creating awareness of, and exposure to,
emerging research areas, research and funding opportunities, and other
topics of broad interest to the attendees (including history and
industry-sponsored sessions).  These sessions do not require papers to be
submitted, and are typically held over lunch breaks or in the evening.

PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS on novel control methodologies or emerging control
applications, as well as those providing strong tutorial value, are encouraged.

Plenary speakers at the 2016 ACC include:
Lucy Pao (plenary), “Combined Feedforward/Feedback Control of Flexible
Structures:  Recurring Themes across Diverse Applications”

Stephen Boyd (Public lecture), “Mathematical Optimization in Everyday Life:
The Growing Role of Hidden Algorithms in Smart Products and Systems”

Neville Hogan (semi-plenary), “Therapeutic Robotics: Challenges of
Controlling Physical Interaction” 

Jason Dykstra and Karlene Hoo (tandem semi-plenary lecture), “Open-Ended
Control Challenges in the Oil Service Industry” 

Delphine Dean, “Nano to Really Macro: How Working with AFMs Can Help with
Design of Medical Devices for Hospitals in Resource Poor Countries”

and the 2015 Eckman Award Winner