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February 2018


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Rolf Findeisen <[log in to unmask]>
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Rolf Findeisen <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 28 Feb 2018 13:05:24 -0500
The Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany, invites applications for a W1 Professorship 
with Tenure Track (W2, Associated chaired professor equivalent) in the field of

„Autonomous Automation Systems“.

see the attached pdf and

Responsibilities: The professorship should strengthen interdisciplinary research in the field of 
digitalization at the Department and the University. The responsibilities are research and teaching in 
the field of automation and control of autonomous systems. We are looking for a candidate with 
internationally recognized reputation in at least two of the following fields:
-Autonomous automation systems
-Automation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence
-Automation of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Internet of Everything (IoE)
-Automation and Control of Cyber Physical Systems
-Cooperative automation and control
-Automation exploiting Big Data
Possible fields of application are process automation, Industry 4.0/Smart Factories, energy systems 
and energy networks, robotics, biotechnology, medical engineering and future transportation 

We offer an excellent, interdisciplinary research environment, characterized by a close interaction 
between the engineering disciplines, mathematics and computer science. Active involvement of the 
professorship in the state Centre of excellence Dynamic Systems (CDS;, and the 
focal research activities of the university and the Department of Electrical Engineering and 
Information Technology are desired. The candidate should be willing to contribute to the teaching in 
the Bachelor and Master study directions of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information 
Technology in general and especially towards the study directions systems engineering and 
engineering cybernetics, medical engineering, and mechatronics.

Qualifications: The job announcement is part of the national and regional program for the support of 
scientists on an early career level. It is aimed at junior researchers who have a strong potential for a 
successful career in the sciences. Formal prerequisites for the appointment are set out especially in § 
40 of the Higher Education Act for the Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt (Hochschulgesetz Sachsen-

Offer: The professorship will be for an initial period of three years. Remuneration is in accordance 
with W remuneration (remuneration group W1, Remuneration Act Saxony-Anhalt (Besoldungsgesetz 
Sachsen-Anhalt). The appointment will be extended for a further three years following a positive 
interim evaluation. Following a positive final evaluation, the position will be converted to a permanent 
W2 professorship after six years.

Professors with Tenure Track will be given appropriate resources at the OVGU and take part in
performance-related allocation of resources. We understand the Tenure Track Professorship as a 
career step to-wards taking over a lifetime professorship. Along this path, we hope to support you 
with indi-vidually tailored development opportunities. We are also happy to help looking for childcare 
options and with offers for dual career couples.
Application: The OVGU aims to increase the proportion of women scientists within the university and 
specifically encourages women to apply. Applications from disabled persons will be given priority in 
the case of equal suitability.
The application along with curriculum vitae including a description of academic positions, a list of 
publications and teaching experience, copies of certificates should be sent no later than March 29, 
2018 to:
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg,
Herrn Prof. Dr.-Ing. R. Vick,
Dekan der Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Postfach 4120, D-39106 Magdeburg

For further information please contact Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf Findeisen ([log in to unmask], phone: 
+49 391 67 58708).