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March 2019


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"Pieter Schmal, Angela Sposito" <[log in to unmask]>
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Pieter Schmal, Angela Sposito
Mon, 11 Mar 2019 15:12:18 -0400
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PSE is organizing a workshop called "Teaching process modelling in chemical engineering - perspectives from academia and industry" on Thursday April 4th in New Orleans, LA from 10:00-17:00. The event is hosted in a hotel 5 mins walk from the AIChE main conference center.

Confirmed speakers include:
• Rob Johnson, ExxonMobil
• Sal Garcia, Eli Lilly
• Yang Luo, Praxair
• Styliani Avraamidou, Texas A&M University
• Rohit Ramachandran, Rutgers University
• Brian Hanley, Louisiana State University
• Pieter Schmal & Cristian Triana, PSE

For more information or to register, please see Registration is free, but required.

The workshop will include a preview of teaching materials developed in PATH with direction from PSE's academic advisory board. Materials are intended to be platform-agnostic. The workshop and the entire initiative are meant to promote modelling and simulation education, not any specific software product.

PATH (the Process Systems Engineering Academic Teaching Highway) is a joint initiative between PSE, industrial employers of chemical engineers and the academic community. It aims to align the teaching of process modelling and related digital design techniques in universities with the needs of industrial employers, through the development and provision of teaching materials suitable for incorporation into undergraduate courses.

The workshop will conclude with a discussion on how to improve student's readiness for industry.

Hoping to see you at this event. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Best regards,

Angela Sposito & Pieter Schmal