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October 2021


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Fengqi You <[log in to unmask]>
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Fengqi You <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 2 Oct 2021 08:26:35 -0400
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Dear Colleagues,

Cornell CBE has two on-going faculty searches. Details are given below and in the AJO links:

The ROBERT F. SMITH SCHOOL OF CHEMICAL AND BIOMOLECULAR ENGINEERING AT CORNELL UNIVERSITY, Ithaca, New York invites applications for tenured or tenure‐track faculty position in chemical and biomolecular engineering. The search is focused on candidates with specializations in theory and computation, including quantum systems, machine learning, and artificial intelligence; however, all research areas will be considered. Junior candidates are strongly encouraged to apply and must show outstanding research and potential for excellence in teaching and graduate student mentorship. Senior candidates with exceptional accomplishments in research, teaching, and graduate student mentorship are also encouraged to apply. Applicants must hold a doctorate in an appropriate field; salary and rank are commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Faculty in the Smith School engage strongly in interdisciplinary research through an array of centers and other initiatives, including the Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future, the Cornell Center for Materials Research, the Cornell Center on the Physics of Cancer Metabolism, the Center for Advanced Computing, the Chemical/Biology Interface Training Program, the Energy Systems Institute, the Initiative for Digital Agriculture, the Life Sciences Initiative, and the Molecular Biophysics Training Program. Faculty also have opportunities to collaborate with faculty across campus through Cornell’s Graduate Field system. In addition, many state-of-the-art core facilities are available such as the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source, the Cornell Nanofabrication Facility, and the Life Sciences Core facility.

To apply: Application materials must be submitted online at


The ROBERT F. SMITH SCHOOL OF CHEMICAL AND BIOMOLECULAR ENGINEERING AT CORNELL UNIVERSITY, Ithaca, New York invites applications for tenured or tenure‐track faculty position in chemical and biomolecular engineering, with an emphasis on engineering education research.  Required qualifications include undergraduate education in Chemical Engineering and graduate-level preparation in Chemical Engineering, STEM education or related area. Responsibilities include the pursuit of a program of scholarly research in Chemical Engineering Education; teaching courses in Chemical Engineering; and advising undergraduate and graduate students. We are especially interested in receiving applications from candidates that embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion. Senior candidates with exceptional accomplishments in research, teaching, and graduate student mentorship are encouraged to apply. Junior candidates must show outstanding research and potential for excellence in teaching and graduate student mentorship. Salary and rank are commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Discipline-Based Education Research (DBER) is an exciting, emerging research field on Cornell’s campus, with discipline-based education researchers across several science and engineering disciplines. There is a broad culture of education research and investment throughout the campus, and educational verve is one of President Pollack’s key priorities for the University. Discipline-based education researchers on campus also collaborate with the Engineering Teaching Excellence Institute, the Center for Teaching Innovation, and the Active Learning Initiative. This community is filled with disciplinary experts who are passionate about their teaching, engaging in education research literature, and keen to discuss how to improve teaching and learning for students throughout multiple disciplines.

To apply: Application materials must be submitted online at

The Robert F. Smith School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, and the College of Engineering at Cornell embrace diversity and seek candidates who will create a climate that attracts students of all races, nationalities, and genders. We strongly encourage women and under-represented minorities to apply. Cornell understands the needs of dual career couples, which it attempts to meet through a Dual Career program and membership in the Upstate New York Higher Education Recruitment Consortium, which assists dual career searches. Visit to see positions available in higher education in the upstate New York area. Cornell and Ithaca are family-friendly communities: Cornell has a comprehensive set of policies, services and benefits to help you, your partner and your children to feel welcomed here, to support your well-being, and to help with child care, elder care, and those with disabilities. For more details, see:

Thanks much and have a great day,

Fengqi You, Ph.D.
Roxanne E. and Michael J. Zak Professor
Cornell University

Mail:  318 Olin Hall, Ithaca, New York 14853
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