Please come to this Special Lecture for Undergraduate Students and the Campus Community “The Evolution of Life and Environment on Planet Earth” Presented by Alan J. Kaufman, Professor, Department of Geology. This is the second lecture in the fall series of Marquee Lectures in Science and Technology. Dr. Kaufman will address “Why are we here” in the context of evolutionary changes in life and environment; from the birth of our solar system and planet Earth, to the sequential emergence of life. In the seminar, Dr. Kaufman will lead an interactive exploration of deep time and space. Bring your clickers! Nov 14, 2011 at 5:00pm Biosciences Research Building, Room 1101 Ann C. Smith, Ph.D. Assistant Dean Office of Undergraduate Studies 2100 Marie Mount Hall University of Maryland, College Park MD [log in to unmask] 301.405.9165