Have a business idea? Come get advice at *Innovation Office Hours* this

This Friday veteran entrepreneurs are available to coach you on how to
refine your idea, test market demand and even launch a business.
 Entrepreneurs will in *Symons Hall this Frida*y waiting to coach you. No
appointment is necessary.


*Friday, September 7th*


*Symons Hall, Room 1110.  *

*Innovation Office Hours *will continue throughout the year.Not able to
make this Friday? The next *Innovation Office Hours *will take place on
September 14th in the Kim Building (room 2203). Every business starts as a
single idea about how to make the world better. Take the first step with
your idea this fall at *Innovation Office Hours.*Any questions? Contact Ben
Solomon at:

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Cell #-216-470-4895

*Benjamin Solomon*
*MBA Candidate 2013
Robert H. Smith School of Business
University of Maryland

216-470-4895 MOBILE
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