Hey Pre-Dents! Our last meeting will be our elections meeting this Wednesday, November 28 at 6:30pm in the Nanticoke Room of Stamp. This will be your opportunity to earn meeting points for the semester, so be sure to come out. Please continue to run for positions for next year! To apply, send your name, year, major, and desired position to [log in to unmask], and be prepared to give a short (1-2 minute) speech on why you are a good fit for the position. Please let us know if you intend to run for a position by midnight on Tuesday. You must be a member of PDS to apply. Hope to see you all there! The positions are: President – Find speakers for meetings, act as a liaison between HPAO and the Pre-Dental Society, help ensure the board is running smoothly Vice President – Reserve rooms, act as the president when he/she is unavailable, help the president plan meetings Treasurer – Manage PDS bank account, apply for SGA funding, order pizza for meetings Webmaster – Maintain listserv, website, and CMNS listserv announcements Director of Public Relations – Design and order PR items Director of Community Service – Help plan community service events Director of Fundraising – Plan fundraising events, which cover PDS expenses such as pizza Director of Trips – Plan trips such as the UMB tour and the trip to the Air Force base