We are looking for two undergraduate teaching assistants (UTA) for BSCI222 (Genetic) for WINTER 2013. This is a full-time position required a commitment of 40 hours per week. Application deadline: November 30, 2012
Contract period:  January 2-January 22
Salary: $1200 for the term for each UTA
Requisites:  Must have experience as a BSCI222 UTA and a letter of recommendation from the faculty member you taught with. Must know how to run the interactive lab exercises.
Duties: Be available to run discussion hours: Monday to Friday: 8:15pm-9:30 pm (this is a night class); write and grade quizzes (must be able to grade and hand back the next night); grade homework (there is a homework due almost every night);  grade exams.
If interested please submit the following documents before the application deadline: (a) letter of interest, (b) one recommendation letter, (c) Curriculum Vitae.  Documents should be sent to Dr. Francisca Saavedra,  [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

Francisca Saavedra, Ph.D.
Assistant Director of Biological Sciences
College of Computer, Mathematical, & Natural Sciences
University of Maryland
1326 Symons Hall
College Park, MD  20742