Looking for a public health experience that will give you the opportunity to volunteer in a healthcare setting? Health Leads UMD is a national non-profit organization that helps connect low-income families to basic resources like food, housing, job training and childcare. We work with patients right out of the Children's National Medical Center! We are now accepting applications for Fall 2014 until Sunday, February 23rd, 2013. Interviews will be held the week of Monday, March 3rd. If you are interested in applying for a volunteer position, please email [log in to unmask] to request an application. For more information about the organization, visit www.healthleadsusa.org. We will be holding an information session on Monday, February 17th. Come meet part of the team, ask questions, and have some snacks. Stay tuned for more info! Save the dates! - 02/17 Information session - 02/23 Priority deadline for Fall 2014 application - 03/03 Interviews -- Yooni Choi & Rahul Grover University of Maryland College Park Health Leads Campus Coordinators, 2014 www.healthleadsusa.org