Subject: BSCI493 Description: Medicinal and Poisonous Plants - Credits: 3 Prerequisite: BSCI105; and must have completed CHEM233. Or 4 credits in BSCI courses. A study of plants important to humans that have medicinal or poisonous properties. Emphasis on plant source, plant description, the active agent and its beneficial or detrimental physiological action and effects. This is an excellent course for Senior students and Premed students. It takes place for Summer Session One. June 1, to July 12, 2015. Event Date: June 1, 2015 Event Start Time: 10:00 am Event End Time: 11:30 am Event Location: 1216 HJ Patterson Contact Person: Maggie Jenkins Contact Email: [log in to unmask] Contact Phone Number: 301-405-2766